3 Social Media blunders that cost them their jobs!
Case 1 – The “Boring” Episode.
Kimberly Swann, a 16-year-old girl from Essex, was fired after she described her office job as “boring” on her Facebook profile. Kimberley Swann, 16, of Clacton, had only been working at Ivell Marketing & Logistics, in Clacton, for three weeks before being fired.
Case 2 – The London 5
Five London police officers were sacked for posting photos of members of the public on their social media with “disrespectful” comments accompanying them.
the unnamed constables were dismissed without notice for what Scotland Yard categorised as “discreditable conduct”.
Case 3 – Pro-Hitler Teacher
A Teacher fined and fired for posting pro-Hitler image on Facebook aimed at the Jewish community.
Mahmudul Choudhury, 35 from Bromley, faces losing job after admitting racially-aggravated offence aimed at Jews after sharing photo of former Nazi leader on his Facebook profile.
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